“The Ultimate satisfaction in life is derived in discovering and working towards the fulfillment of your purpose in life.” ---Omini Apih
In Discovering and Fulfilling your Purpose in Life.
Three questions you must Answer?
Why am I here?
What is my purpose?
How do I discover and fulfill my mission in Life?
These are questions that we all ask at one time or another. Sometimes we discover the answers early on, but often we continue to ask these questions throughout our lives. As we grow and mature, the answers to these questions continue to evolve as well, as we discover ever-deeper aspects of ourselves and our potentials.
Few people have a clear vision of their purpose in life other find it difficult in discovering their mission in life. Sometimes we encounter roadblocks, whether internal or external, that seem to prevent us from fully living that purpose we have identified. These obstacles, however, don’t have to be permanent for us, but we should learn to move through all that hinders us from living our God’s giving purpose. In fact, such obstacles can actually be used as opportunities for our further expansion.
Here are some ways to gain greater clarity regarding Discovering your life’s purpose.
Establish a connection with Jesus Christ and Discover Yourself.
“Your future lies in your hands discovering your Destiny through Christ."
Knowing Jesus Christ will change you and you will start to discover yourself. Before you can begin to understand your purpose in life, you must have a revelation of who Jesus Christ is. To know Jesus Christ, you must surrender your life to Him and be “Born Again” and spend time with Him in prayer, His written Word and fellowship. Cultivate God's presence in your daily intimacy with the Holy Spirit, allowing Him to fill your heart and mind in revealing his truth to you .
Meditation on God’s Word will create greater understanding, inner clarity and awareness of the Person of the Holy Spirit in your life. As you allow the Holy Spirit to dwell in you and His Word, your mind will be renewed, your Heart transformed and you will be receptive—growing closer to the original reflection of God you were created to be.
“The World is God’s Mission Field, the sure way of finding your mission assignment on this field is to ask God.” –Omini Apih
In your Meditation speak the Word of God upon yourself, start by writing down things God want you to do, as He pours them out into your spirit. Get creative in affirming your unlimited potential as He reveals them to you. As you do, you will naturally release fearful thoughts and self-imposed limitation, opening the way to identifying and living your life’s purpose.
I had a unique experience discovering my purpose growing up, I was very good in creating things, drawing, film making, teaching and preaching etc. I had suggestions from parents, Church and family members as what their intentions are for me, Within me, I knew my mission and assignment in life.
Discovering my assignment or purpose in life was very simple, because I had already giving my life to Jesus Christ and filled with the Holy Spirit. My spirit man was already inspired by intimacy with the Holy Spirit in Fasting, Prayers and Studying the Bible. Inward leading and guidance by the Holy Spirit wasn't a struggle. So, making Godly decisions based on God's Word was normal for my life. I knew and was sure of my purpose, to serve the Lord as a Minister of the Gospel.
My study of Law, to become an Attorney did not deter my calling into the ministry. All my endeavors in life, be it in school or business was towards fulfilling my assignment and calling in life. I have inward peace, I see progress and I receive constant flow of God’s Divine wisdom, understanding and provision in fulfilling my mission assignment in life.
If you aren't sure or sensing how God is specifically leading you, then it’s important to remain faithful in the things you are doing right now and continue to move forward in your relationship with Him. Keep moving, one step at a time—don’t get stuck at a standstill. It could be that you are in the right place already! Ask Him to fill you with peace if you are right where you need to be, and to lead clearly if you need to pursue elsewhere. This time be open to the many avenues through which those answers can come – internally, externally, through inspired ideas, friends, acquaintances, circumstances, passion, talent and skills.
Finding the things you are most passionate about is very important. Identify those things and activities that are most joyful, meaningful, and interesting for you. These provide good clues to where your life’s purpose lies, also pay attention to what others are saying to you regarding your talents, skills, and gifts, especially if you hear similar things from multiple people. These are other ways the Holy Spirit leads us in discovering our Divine purpose in life.
Once you sense God leading you into a specific purpose, you need to ask God wisdom for direction and understanding on how to carry out that purpose. You can spend time in fasting and prayers for this.
When you begin to walk into your calling, Spiritual warfare is normal. Don’t be afraid, you have the backing of God. You must understand that God is more committed in you fulfilling your purpose in life than you feel. He will turn disappoints around for you, and certain things, He will allow you go through, to build you up. In choosing to live a life of purpose, you won’t be spared from hardship—but you will learn to rise above it. It’s so much better to conquer your fear than abandon your purpose, because of challenges.
There is this deep sense of satisfaction and fulfillment, when we overcome and decide to move forward. As you face challenges, equip yourself with resources and surround yourself with godly people and mentors to guide and pray along with you, ask for their advise to know if your decisions and direction are sound and in line with God’s plans for your life.
It is very important to have a" Mission Statement", in starting out on God’s calling for your life. You will discover minor changes as you go along, this is normal. In terms of scope, operations, place etc. You have to be flexible, it is an adventure, but there will also be times when you have to settle into a planning routine on how to execute your "Mission Statement" . You might get bored, or you may find that you aren't as consistently excited as you were when you began.
To Preserve your focus and direction in the path God is leading you, in times of boredom, discouragement and losing motivation.
It’s important to hold strongly on the following;
· Set out goals, Practice discipline, work hard towards it and achieve it.
· Develop yourself to fit in your assignment in life.
· Speak to the Holy Spirit how you feel and Stay rooted in prayer, fasting and biblical study to keep you pressing forward.
· Learn to rejoice in the success of others,
· Look for a need around others and solve it.
· Attend a conference or Listen to the tapes of your favorites mentors.
· Share your Vision with others and get excited all over again about where God is leading you next.
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